Gemstone Glump Animation
My first experiment in glumping in 3D and animating to boot.
Radebaugh and Bohn
Arthur C. Radebaugh (1906-1974) was an American illustrator, airbrush artist, and designer. Some of...
Dinu Bodiciu: Monsters
Dinu Bodiciu is a London based fashion and accessories designer. He was born in Romania and studied ...
Nikolai Lutohin
Nikolai Lutohin (1932 - 2000) was born in Yugoslavia as the son of Russian parents. Already as a fiv...
未来のお菓子 一日(ひとひ)A Sweet Future
Toraya is one of the oldest makers of traditional confectionery in Japan, with 480 years of history....
The Einstein Intersection
A collection of classic Science Ficion book covers.
Eleven Inc. asked Happycentro to develop and produce 18 clips for Dignity Health, a California-based...
The Art of Ralph McQarrie
Ralph Angus McQuarrie studied at the Art Center School in Pasadena. He first worked for a dentistry ...
Ringo Sheena !
a collection on the making of images.
"Produced between 2006 and 2009, the Analogue Miniatures series was my attempt to pay tribute to ear...
Peak Oil
"I create sculptures based on sublime moments. These are moments that fill a person with amazement, ...
人類の進歩と調和: Osaka Expo 1970
Cassius 1999
Animated Gifs from Cassius´ classical 1999 music video. Cassius is Philippe Cerboneschi and Hubert ...
Master of Fantastic Illustration: Daniel Mróz
Daniel Mróz (1917-1993) was a Polish illustrator whose unique style influenced several generations ...
After 8 years of owning his own company, Drew Tyndell recently parted ways, moving to the music city...
HR-FM (エイチアールエフエム)
HR - FM: After graduating from art school, I served as an art assistant and became a freelancer afte...
Clément Paurd et Marie Saarbach: Catalogue de l´espace
Clément Paurd et Marie Saarbach, Textes de Mathieu Lefèvre, Graphisme de Clémence Michon.
Gravity Typography
Simulated gravity and physical movement are applied to typed letters.
Type some letters, hit enter,...
Guillaume Chauchat
Guillaume Chauchat was born 1980 in Paris. He studied illustration at the Ecole Supérieure des Arts...
Luxury redefined
The history of Whoo 后, a luxury cosmetics line designed by Mario Gagliardi for LG Household and He...
Alex Andreev
Digital artist Alex Andreev, born 1972, is based in St. Petersburg, Russia. He works as an art-dire...
Often recycling the mechanical parts of found clocks and pushbikes as the portable containers of his...
CMD ALT M: Emilio Gomariz
New work by Spanish digital artist Emilio Gomariz.
Henrique Lima, Brazil
A series of trippy animated GIFs by graphic designer Henrique Lima from Brazil.
3D fashion
clothing and jewelry design: n i O k a by Nika Ravnik
photo: Matjaz Tancic
styling: Maja Lazar
Move Mountain
Kirsten Lepore: “Move Mountain”. A girl journeys through a vibrant, pulsing, macrocosmic landsca...
Game of Life
animated GIFs of Conway´s game of life.
Geometric art by painter Frederik Soderberg and animated GIF creator Archery. Soderberg is inspired ...
an eye-popping collection of animated follies and optical illusions.
fly, laugh, dance, run, jump, talk, sing, skate, and play
Personajes que vuelan, ríen, bailan, corren, saltan, hablan, cantan, patinan y juegan. Personajes q...
Modular Audio
Design studies for audio devices. Different audio modules - receiver, amplifier etc - are conceived ...
Study for a large scale interior projection. Mario Gagliardi 2002.
Intuitive IOT
Design studies for domestic IoT (Internet of Things) Hubs for an electronics manufacturer. Full IoT ...
Angus McKie
illustrations and book covers by the secret master of SF illustration
Atmospheric airplane interior
Airplane interior studies. The sourrounding skyscape is projected onto the airplane ceiling to bring...
Parametric speaker
A parametric design inspired by organic forms. The speakers are spatially distributed in all directi...
Structure Future
Concept designer Danny Gardner´s sci-fi concepts and architect Michael Hansmayer´s generative stru...
A Creative Day In A Creative Life
Art pour l´art all day long.
a collection of animated GIFs to look at while listening to good music.
Pixar 25 years of animation
Adventurous toy figures, lively racing cars and a rat chef - the exhibition PIXAR: 25 Years of Anima...
Cold War Future
Science Fiction movie posters from the cold war era.
70´s Sci-Fi Art
Sci-Fi art, mostly created for paperback book covers. Much more than "Gebrauchsgrafik", it reflects ...
mathematics, the pattern, and the abstract
fascinating patterns, delivered as animated GIFs and programmed in Mathematica.
Made by archery (ww...
Three Chairs
Early Designs: Three Chairs, and a lamp. Mario Gagliardi 1992.
GIFs! Collected and animated for your viewing pleasure.
The penccils are alive
with the sound of animation
On the Edge of the Universe
New Designs
Mario Gagliardi New Designs 2024
Dancing dude!
Have a good one to day!
Printed textures
3D printing has become a viable production method enabling the rapid production of small and medium-...
Candy Morandi
Giorgio Morandi's ceramic vessels have been the inspiration for this project. Morandi´s objects are...
Pulp architecture
The need to stand out in a hyper-commercialized market results in remarkable examples of contemporar...
Chromaglass is a cocktail glass displaying its ingredients through colors. An inner insulating conta...
Omnidirectional microphone
Design for an omnidirectional microphone, recording sound from all spatial directions. Recorded soun...
A sculptural speaker rendered with GLSL signed distance functions.
(C) Mario Gagliardi 2018
Streampal is a lifestream robot for Youtubers, Instagrammers and others who want to record passages ...
Essential Water
In many regions of the planet, water is increasingly becoming rare. Our understanding of water, refl...
Dreaming of Skyscrapers
Mario Gagliardi 2006.
Blacker Box
Blacker Box is a design expression for an Intelligent Speaker. (C) Mario Gagliardi Design 2017
Colonisation, Earth to Mars
When all is at a loss from global warming and the world becomes ever more uninhabitable, there are m...
Digital Biology
Interior studies for public indoor spaces merging digital and biological environments. Wall modules ...
Podchain is an integrated design concept for on-demand autonomous transport. To optimize kinetic ene...
Low cost urban transport
Combining contemporary technology with a focus on low cost and reliability, this neighborhood transp...
AI assistant
With the advance of digitalisation, items which once had a central position in households have disap...
Hybrid urban scooter
A low-cost hybrid urban scooter for developing countries running either on electric battery or on bi...
Omnidirectional Speaker
Sculptural ominidirectional speakers, projecting sound recorded from an omnidirectional microphone i...
An organic structure for bikes
A sports bike for urban and mountain environments. The aluminium frame provides for increased stabil...
Stories of You
REVOIR is an interactive mirror, activated by emotion detection to create stories through visual lan...
Cooking with myth
IOTAO is a series of IoT - enabled domestic cooking devices for the Chinese market which reinterpret...
Emotional drones
タマ tama : ball, sphere; also jewel, spirit, soul
タマタマ tamatama : by chance
Balloon drone...
Unfolding sound spaces
Conventional audio speakers require the listener to sit in a certain spot to get the best audio expe...
Shape-shifting robotic structures
Simulations for a research on shape-shifting robotic structures. Shape memory alloy sticks are linke...
Emotibots are shape-shifting social home robots interacting with humans. Robots will in the future i...
Cellular Automata: A design language for industrial silk
Handmade Mudmee silk is part of the cultural heritage of Thailand and Laos with a tradition reaching...
Intentionally on the very edge of usability, this project takes ubiquitous objects - in this case co...
Functional Pasta
Pasta based on the geometry of a Möbius strip, a geometric surface with the distinction of having o...
An evolutionary algorithm for bike design
A learning algorithm randomly creates simplified body designs for bikes. As they race along the test...
penccil gifs
gifs from penccil projects.
Intuitive Feedback for Human-Machine Interfaces
Tangible human-machine interfaces such as remote controls are based on a linear logic with designate...
Structured Reflection
These 3D-printed vases feature finely faceted surface structures which create intriguing light refle...
Intelligent Personal Assistants
If artificial intelligence would be personalized, what face could these personal assistants have? Th...
Mapping movement to music
This concept for a portable digital sound control device predicted a wrap-around display and intuiti...
Organic Public
Contemporary cities are in need of public spaces which work better for their citizens. This proposal...
The algorithm of fashion
Each of these scarf patterns is unique. The production workflow involves an algorithm which creates ...
Give following instructions: Cut a strip off a piece of paper and give it one twist. Glue the ends t...
"What I try to do is use technology to create representations of imagery found in nature. Technology...
Intuitive Phone
Design futures concepts for a smartphone and a portable music player (2004) by Mario Gagliardi. This...
Mimicry and Makeshift
Two future visions for urbanism and ownership:
Mimicry city - where everything wants to be owned. As...
Computer Vision
Four design concepts by Mario Gagliardi on the possibilities of personal computers, designed and pub...
Good design is in all the things you notice. Great design is in all the things you don’t.
— Wim Hovens
— Wim Hovens
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- No trackers. No cookies.
Just creativity.