Colonisation, Earth to Mars
Field of Notion
Field of Notion delves into the dichotomies of light and shadows, life and death, creating a series ...
How light, color and space define emotions.
RED 03
right panel of a triptych
RED 01
watching the greens
lines and stains make a space
expansion series
“Chaos and Catastrophe unbound,
worlds formed thrust together,
Colour and light rebounded,
Pulp architecture
The need to stand out in a hyper-commercialized market results in remarkable examples of contemporar...
Animated GIFs illustrating speculative future scenarios. Mario Gagliardi 2004.
Weaving spaces
The project explores form in order to resolve a simple function: a roof
Radebaugh and Bohn
Arthur C. Radebaugh (1906-1974) was an American illustrator, airbrush artist, and designer. Some of...
Dinu Bodiciu: Monsters
Dinu Bodiciu is a London based fashion and accessories designer. He was born in Romania and studied ...
Nikolai Lutohin
Nikolai Lutohin (1932 - 2000) was born in Yugoslavia as the son of Russian parents. Already as a fiv...
未来のお菓子 一日(ひとひ)A Sweet Future
Toraya is one of the oldest makers of traditional confectionery in Japan, with 480 years of history....
The Einstein Intersection
A collection of classic Science Ficion book covers.
The Art of Ralph McQarrie
Ralph Angus McQuarrie studied at the Art Center School in Pasadena. He first worked for a dentistry ...
"Produced between 2006 and 2009, the Analogue Miniatures series was my attempt to pay tribute to ear...
人類の進歩と調和: Osaka Expo 1970
Master of Fantastic Illustration: Daniel Mróz
Daniel Mróz (1917-1993) was a Polish illustrator whose unique style influenced several generations ...
International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 31 Flight Engineer Don Pettit: “My star trail images ...
HR-FM (エイチアールエフエム)
HR - FM: After graduating from art school, I served as an art assistant and became a freelancer afte...
Clément Paurd et Marie Saarbach: Catalogue de l´espace
Clément Paurd et Marie Saarbach, Textes de Mathieu Lefèvre, Graphisme de Clémence Michon.
Alex Andreev
Digital artist Alex Andreev, born 1972, is based in St. Petersburg, Russia. He works as an art-dire...
Fascinating images from Saturn and its moons, from the Cassini Solstice Mission. All images NASA/JPL...
Angus McKie
illustrations and book covers by the secret master of SF illustration
Non-place, Space between
Images from a research about the ´space between´- space in urban centers and peripheries, affected...
Structure Future
Concept designer Danny Gardner´s sci-fi concepts and architect Michael Hansmayer´s generative stru...
Images from the surface of Mars from HiRise, the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (Nasa /J...
Space Colony
Mountain View, CA: NASA 1970´s space colony studies. Image credit Nasa Ames Research Center.
Cold War Future
Science Fiction movie posters from the cold war era.
70´s Sci-Fi Art
Sci-Fi art, mostly created for paperback book covers. Much more than "Gebrauchsgrafik", it reflects ...
This series by Mathew Borrett is a great inspiration for my work as theatre designer.
Lucio Fontana
Scratching and cutting in art
On the Edge of the Universe
The modern artist is working with space and time, and expressing his feelings rather than illustrating.
— Jackson Pollock
— Jackson Pollock
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