David Shrigley Drawings
David Shrigley, ohne Titel, 2013, Acryl auf Papier, 75,5 x 56 cm Blattgröße
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London, Foto: Roman März, Berlin
David Shrigley, ohne Titel, 2013, Acryl auf Papier, 75,5 x 56 cm Blattgröße
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London, Foto: Roman März, Berlin
Raumansicht der Ausstellung »David Shrigley. Drawing«, Pinakothek der Moderne, 2014
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London, Foto: Nicole Wilhelms
David Shrigley, ohne Titel, 2014, Plakatfarbe auf Papier, 42 x 29,7 cm
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London
David Shrigley, ohne Titel, 2014, Plakatfarbe auf Papier, 29,7 x 21 cm
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London
David Shrigley, Motiv für die Ausstellung in der Pinakothek der Moderne, 2014
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London
David Shrigley, ohne Titel, 2014, Plakatfarbe auf Papier, 29,7 x 21 cm
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London
David Shrigley, ohne Titel, 2014, Plakatfarbe auf Papier, 29,7 x 21 cm
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London
David Shrigley, ohne Titel, 2014, Plakatfarbe auf Papier, 29,7 x 21 cm
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London
David Shrigley, ohne Titel, 2014, Plakatfarbe auf Papier, 42 x 29,7 cm
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London
David Shrigley, ohne Titel, 2014, Plakatfarbe auf Papier, 42 x 29,7 cm
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London
David Shrigley, ohne Titel, 2013, Acryl auf Papier, 75,5 x 56 cm Blattgröße
© David Shrigley : Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Stephen Friedman Gallery, London, Foto: Roman März, Berlin
David Bowie is Crossing the Border.
This is a tribute to the musician, artist, designer, and dandy David Bowie (January 8th, 1947-Januar...
Eleni Karpatsi & Julio Calvo = (fos)
Eleni Karpatsi and Julio Calvo are (fos), working in the fields of architecture and interior design ...
Guiseppe Galli da Bibiena
Guiseppe Galli da Bibiena (Parma, 1696-Berlin, 1756) was painter, draftsman, event and theatre desig...
The 2015 best of penccil
This was an extraordinary year. The world went through a series of shocks and shake-ups, and in betw...
Forward Retreat
Mark Tansey was born in California. He attended art classes at the San Francisco Art Institute and s...
Faces of the 21st century
Images by Thomas Mailaender.
« Mailaender’s forum and sphere of operations is less the art worl...
Hans Poelzig: Architecture as Gesamtkunstwerk
Architect Hans Poelzig (1869 – 1936) was an eclectic visionary. He worked with sculptural effects,...
Europa ‒ Where it has been & Where it is at
What image represents Europe? Is it the fall of the Berlin Wall, universal human rights, the Europea...
Édouard Vuillard: Turn of the Century Paris
A painter of interiors and park landscapes, Vuillard created his first lithograph series in black-an...
Ghost: Kader Attia and Ventimiglia
The striking similarities between the installation of Kader Attia and the current situation in Venti...
Fresh White
Four major arcana here: Fresh White is at a turning point, and a very positive one. The Sun and the ...
American Modern Paintings at Sotheby´s
Sotheby's New York sale on Wednesday, May 20th totaled $38,301,625 reflecting the continuous health ...
A Mirror Darkly
Nick Ross was born in Scotland in 1986. He studied at Gray´s School of Art in Aberdeen on the Indus...
Modigliani: Your real duty is to save your dream
"What I am searching for is neither the real nor the unreal, but the subconscious, the mystery of wh...
Samuel Bradley Photography
Samuel is based in London. He received his BA in photography from UCA Farnham in 2012 where he speci...
A bi-annual competition organised by architekturbild e.v. and Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfu...
Amir Zaki: Southern California
Amir Zaki is a practicing artist living in Southern California. He received his MFA from UCLA in 199...
The Art of Writing. The Rebirth of the Ogatsu Inkstone
The inkstone industry of Ogatsu, in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture once accounted for 90% of the...
Frank Stella: Radical Abstraction
In 1959, a newcomer in his early twenties takes New York’s art scene by storm: the American Frank ...
The New Social
From April 1st to Mary 31st 2015, twelve outstanding young European photographers will be presenting...
Sony World Photography Awards
Art Dubai 2015
This year I again visited Dubai to browse Art Dubai 2015. Now being the hottest art market hub in th...
Landscape in my Mind
A network of connections between man and nature, the landscape presents itself as a projection of th...
Monet and the Birth of Impressionism
The nineteenth century was a time of upheavals. A wide variety of developments took place at the sam...
Voyager avec un crayon: Jacques de Loustal
À la fin des années 70, alors étudiant en architecture, il commence à publier des illustrations ...
Contemporary Still Life
Works from the Sony Photography Award 2015 shortlist. © Courtesy of 2015 Sony World Photography Awa...
Igort Tuveri
Igort Tuveri (Igort) was born in Sardinia in 1958. His first stories were published in the magazine ...
Richard Estes´ New York
"Estes is a paradigmatic example of a world-class artist who is also a consummate artisan. He uses h...
Master of Fantastic Illustration: Daniel Mróz
Daniel Mróz (1917-1993) was a Polish illustrator whose unique style influenced several generations ...
Sturtevant Double Trouble
Elaine Sturtevant understands the power of images. The American artist who worked most of her life i...
Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla
Jennifer Allora was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1974. Guillermo Calzadilla was born in 19...
Who the f*** is Halil Altindere?
Since the mid-late 1990 artist Halil Altindere played with the notions of social and individual idio...
18 classic chairs
The chair is one of the most fascinating design objects of all time. An exhibition at the Gorcums Mu...
Emerging trends
penccil allows deep insights into what is happening in worldwide creative industries. We have select...
William Glackens
Glackens was a boyhood friend of Albert C. Barnes (1872–1951), the Philadelphia-born pharmaceutica...
Ren Han 任瀚
Ren Han (1984 Tianjin, China) lives and works in Tianjin. He studied at Academy of Fine Arts Tianjin...
Posters from Germany, Austria, Switzerland
In the spirit of media theorist Marshall McLuhan’s widely known book The Medium is the Massage: An...
Nagtzaam makes drawings. Using graphite and the occasional colored pencil, he works primarily in bla...
German Pop
Was there Pop Art in Germany? Pop, which began in Great Britain and the USA and was quickly establis...
Hugh Ferriss
Hugh Ferriss was trained as an architect at Washington University in his native St. Louis, Missouri....
Naum Gabo
Naum Gabo, a pioneer of constructive art, was born Naum Neemia Borisowitch Pevsner in Russia in 1890...
Hans Christiansen´s Jugendstil
"I take my work as an artist as general as possible: I want to paint a portrait but can also design ...
Pop Art 1960s
“Popular, mass produced, expendable, cheap, witty, sexy, playful, conspicuous, seductive” Richar...
Walker Evans. A Life’s Work
Depression Era photography by Walker Evans.
Walker Evans (1903 – 1975) was one of the great pers...
100 Years of Swiss Design
To the present day, design in Switzerland has the reputation of being honest, precise, sober and use...
Dürer - Observer of Nature
Master print-maker, draftsman, and the Renaissance man from Germany, Albrecht Dürer was a keen obse...
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: La Vie Bohème
Turn-of-the-century Paris was a state of mind as well as an environment for artists and bohemians. A...
Wang Luyan 王鲁炎
Wang Luyan was born 1956 in Beijing, where he lives and works. In the 1970s, he became the member of...
Kinetic Sculptures by Alexander Calder
Undoubtedly one of the most celebrated inventors of modern sculpture, Alexander Calder (1898-1976) i...
Nils Dardel: Modern Dandy
Nowadays, Sweden loves Nils Dardel’s (1888–1943) oeuvre. But that was not always the case. He ha...
Karl Neubacher: Media Artist, 1926-1978
Born in Hattenberg in Upper Austria in 1926, Karl Neubacher, along with Richard Kriesche and Peter G...
Posters. Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol (1928-1987) was painter and illustrator, photographer and film-maker; he published magaz...
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - Master of Color
"I can’t work rationally; I’m too much a colour man (Farbenmensch) for that." said Ernst Ludwig...
War and Propaganda 14/18
2014 sees the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. The Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Ha...
Postmodern Wunderkammer
Celebrating its 30th anniversary since opening, Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) in Frankfurt looks...
Wieslaw Smetek
Wieslaw Smetek is one of the most active magazine illustrators in Germany. As photography gradually...
Postcards from Egypt 1912
A group of seventy-six persons in 1912 at Easter set out on a tour of Egypt with Ludwig Koessler, th...
Stanley Kubrick As Photographer
Stanley Kubrick (1928–1999) is acclaimed as one of the most famous and important directors of the ...
Waiting for the deal
Where is the state of the world affairs? Is the press into it? Or the public? Are we all sitting pre...
Domestication of a Pyramid
Magdalena Jetelova was born in 1946 in Semily, the Czech Republic. She currently lives and works in...
Dummies and Dolls
Laurie Simmons works with dummies and dolls. She was born on Long Island, New York, in 1949. She rec...
Iconic Photos from the Getty Images gallery
Getty Images gallery, the world´s largest commercial photography archive with a collection of over ...
Who is not familiar with the famous bistro stools, bentwood rocking chairs or steel-tubed seating o...
Roman Signer
Roman Signer is a Swiss visual artist who works in sculpture, installations photography, and video. ...
Ernesto Neto: Place of sensations
Ernesto Saboia de Albuquerque Neto (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1964) is a contemporary artist. He has be...
Playboy Architecture
Playboy Architecture 1953-1979: The exhibition, on view at Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt ...
Vienna 1900
In September 2013 MAK-Museum für Angewandte Kunst opened a new permanent exhibit on Design / Arts a...
Eating in Art
The genius of love and the genius of hunger, those twin brothers, are the two moving forces behind a...
Heeseop Yoon
My work deals with memory and perception within cluttered spaces. I begin by photographing interiors...
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Hiroshi Sugimoto was born in Japan in 1948. Sugimoto has received a number of grants and fellowships...
Shop Them - DR NOKI T-shirts are here!
penccil is happy to announce its launching of penccil shop <t https://penccil.com/shop with fashion ...
The Frenchness of Russian Art: Montaigne and Death
"The Frenchness of Russian Art: Montaigne and Death"
105 NY-110, Melville, NY 11747
September 13, 1...
The painted house
These experimental structures have been created by combining design processes of architecture and gr...
71 views of the magic mountain
In the days of the first lockdown I started making these drawings, remotely inspired by Hokusai´s "...
Pierre Bonnard: The Memory of Colors
In autumn and winter 2019/20 the Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien presented »Pierre Bonnard - The Color...
Objects of Desire
»Surrealism and Design 1924 – Today«
28.09.2019 – 19.01.2020 at Vitra Design Museum
I See Violence in Your Eyes (I-VIII)
Pigment, graphite, charcoal, & mixed media on paper.
Trajectories of the Lost, Fallen, Forgotten, and Most Unclean
Ink, graphite, pigment, & mixed media on paper.
Writing & Design
SQT..or Not. Book. Writer and Illustrator, Ted Wells.
WRECK--Regeneration Experiment of Wasted Daily-use Ceramics from Chaozhou, China
WRECK, the destruction of decorum, the ruin of culture. BENTU went deep into daily-use ceramics indu...
Black Box. A Cabinet of Robotic Curiosities
The Vitra Campus has a new exhibition space: in one of the houses at the southern entrance, a Black ...
The Joys of Ice Skating
That skating 400 years ago was one of the most popular winter activities in the Netherlands can be s...
serpentine 2017
exhibition, schauspiel köln, cologne. steelobjects, ceramic reliefs.
temporary accessible sculpture.
Wayne Sorce: Urban Color
"Wayne Sorce: Urban Color" is on view from October 21st through November 30th at Joseph Bellows Gall...
ARCHITETTURA ANALOG(IC)A massimo gasperini
MASSIMO GASPERINI_(Pisa, 1971) architect and researcher in the Representation Sciences, former lectu...
Design for Disaster
"A disaster zone where everything is lost offers the perfect opportunity for us to take a fresh look...
The art of improvising art
The recently abandoned administrative headquarters of Austrian Post, an imposing turn of the century...
Just Before Paradise
“And just as we learn about our lives from others, so, too, do we let others shape our understandi...
Painting is seen as a form of practice that—contrary to canonical accounts—in no way shies away ...
Total Automation
In The Promise of Total Automation, artists examine technology in its complexity. They point out our...
German Art since 1960
German ‘paragons of painting’ such as Georg Baselitz, Jörg Immendorff and Markus Lüpertz have ...
Microscopes of utopia
This are some of landscapes spaces of nowhere with spaces inside
Andy Warhol: Endangered Species
In 1983, Andy Warhol expressed his love for animals and his concern for the environment in a series ...
In Infinity
Yayoi Kusama’s unique imagery spring from the recurring hallucinations that have haunted her since...
Cerith Wyn Evans is a Welsh sculptor and filmmaker. He worked as an assistant to Derek Jarman, at th...
In Orbit
"When I look at these complex layers of translucent lines and spheres, I am reminded of models of th...
Sislej Xhafa
Sislej Xhafa has furnished the waiting room of a police station in Gent like a grand palace. He pres...
Future Architecture
Future Architecture Platform is a European program which promotes talents in architecture. Future A...
reversed silhouettes
Courtesans, Heroes, Stars and Phantoms - In the early seventeenth century, Edo, which was the bigges...
Francois Morellet 1926 - 2016
Since he first began making work in the 1950s, Morellet has been engaged in creating work which has ...
Jewelry Design Art
Jewelry Art design pattern inspired from nonlinear dynamics.
Drawings collection about fluid flows...
BASILE ARTECO "Ferro/D" design Enzo Mari
DESIGN ENZO MARI: Forged iron and Murano Glass Vase, Limited Edition of 6, numbered and signed by th...
Universality of the Vortex-Sphere Archetype
The Universality of the Vortex-Sphere Archetype - Code nature sign language
Following the entire pr...
Sketching: Bellini, Castiglioni, Colombo, Mari, Magistretti, Munari, Ponti, Sottsass
The essence of a classic design is best seen in its very first sketch. A unique selection of sketche...
Damien Coupeté images
Julian Opie studied at Goldsmiths´ College (1979-82) under Michael Craig-Martin, for whom he briefl...
The modern artist is working with space and time, and expressing his feelings rather than illustrating.
— Jackson Pollock
— Jackson Pollock
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