Richard Seifert
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John Grindrod, Concretopia.
Between the fifties and seventies, architect Richard Seifert built more than 500 buildings in London and the UK. Born in Switzerland, he studied at the Bartlett School of Architecture, graduating in 1933. His work includes Euston Station, Drapers Gardens, King´s Reach Tower, Blackfriars station, Hilton London Metropole hotel, Paddington, London Kensington Forum Holiday Inn hotel, New London Bridge House, No 1 Croydon, Marylebone Ramada Jarvis hotel, Bayswater Sheraton Park Plaza hotel, Sobell Sports Centre, Holloway - Tolworth Tower, Anderston Centre Glasgow, Alpha Tower Birmingham, Centre City Tower Birmingham, Concourse House Liverpool, Elmbank Gardens Tower Glasgow, Gateway House Piccadilly Manchester, Metropole hotel Birmingham, Princess Margaret hospital Windsor.
The modern artist is working with space and time, and expressing his feelings rather than illustrating.
— Jackson Pollock
— Jackson Pollock
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