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Through the Eyes of George Tooker

Founder: Art Courier

Alex S
alireza yazdani
Egor G
Emilia Rowel
Stephanie Lia
yo mismo

Paintings by George Tooker.

Landscape with Figures, 1965-66. Egg tempera on gessoed panel, 26 x 30 inches. Private Collection.

Government Bureau, 1950

Lunch, 1964. Egg tempera on gessoed panel, 20 x 26 in. Museum Purchase, Derby Fund, from the Philip J. and Suzanne Schiller Collection of American Social Commentary Art 1930-1970

The Waiting Room, 1959 egg tempera on wood, 24 x 30 in. (61.0 x 76.2 cm.) Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Smithsonian American Art Museum, 4th Floor, Luce Foundation Center

Bird Watchers, 1948. Egg tempera on gessoed board, 26 ¾ x 32 ¾ inches. New Britain Museum of American Art, Gift of Olga H. Knoepke. Private Collection.

George Tooker, The Subway, 1950. Egg tempera on composition board, 18 1/8 × 36 1/8 in. (46 x 91.8 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; purchase with funds from the Juliana Force © George Tooker

In the Summerhouse, 1958, egg tempera on fiberboard 24 x 24 in. (61.0 x 61.8 cm.) Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of the Sara Roby Foundation, Smithsonian American Art Museum, 4th Floor, Luce Foundation Center

George Tooker Self-Portrait